Flight Termination Systems

WV Communications is the world's leading supplier of Airborne & Ground-based Command / Flight Termination equipment. WV offers a broad line of products that make up a Command / Turn-Key Flight Termination System, from the control subsystems to the High Power Amplifiers. From high power systems with multiple control sites to portable systems that are controlled via the front panel of the unit, WV can meet every customer's requirements. Since WV controls all aspects of the design, from hardware to firmware development, and manufactures all system components in house, we can meet any specific customer requirement, be it a custom hardware requirement or a particular control feature.
WV's latest generation of FTS is based entirely on Ethernet communications. As part of the control subsystem, WV has designed and manufactured a number of Flight Termination Panels (FTP), FTS Control Processors (FCP), and FTS Status & Control Panels (FSC), with each unit operating using a firmware written entirely in assembly language. No real-time operating system of any kind is used. Each of these units have been designed based on specific requirements, however the versatility of the firmware is such that the units can be configured for numerous operating scenarios.
Based on inputs from numerous FTS operators, WV has developed the application software for its FTS Programming System (FPS). The FPS software, can be loaded into any personal computer, operates on a DOD approved Linux platform, and allows the system operator to configure the FTS to support the mission requirements. The FPS provides all of the system programming and data logging/Strip Chart functions, however it is not a flight critical piece of equipment. The FPS is not required while a mission is in progress.
As part of the transmitter subsystem, WV offers a full suite of Command Exciter/Encoders (CEE) and Command Verification Receiver/Decoders (CVR), with units capable of supporting ALL formats IRIG, Hi Alpha (Secure) and EFTS modes in a single unit. Units are available that will support a single mode or any combination of all three modes.
Lastly, WV has a variety of power amplifiers to meet any customer requirement. From 20W to 200W amplifiers that can be embedded in the Exciter chassis to stand-alone rack mounted amplifiers ranging in power from 500 to 10,000 Watts.

Fully Redundant 1kW System shown in optional portable container.
Starting from the top container:
- FTP / FCP / Exciter / Ethernet Switch (not visible)
- Verification Receiver
- HPA Controller
- High Power Amplifier
- Power Supply

Airborne FTS System (one 200W string of Fully Redundant configuration shown).

Brochure Downloads
- Airborne String Data Sheets
- Quad mode Mobile Shelter Turnkey System Brochure
- Turnkey Systems Brochure
- WV FTS Systems Primer
- FTP Brochure
- Universal Destruct Panels (UDP) Brochure
- FCP Brochure
- FSC Brochure
- Block Diagram of Fully Redundant Flight Termination System with 2 Local Strings
- Block Diagram of Fully Redundant Flight Termination System with 2 Remote Strings
- Block Diagram of Triple Redundant Flight Termination System with 3 Remote Strings