Flight Termination Systems
Model Number Shown:
IFM System

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The IFM consists of a personal computer or Laptop, with the GUI-based application, operating on either a Linux or Windows platform. The IFM interfaces to the Command Destruct Verification Receiver (CVR) via Ethernet communications (UDP/IP), with a verification antenna being connected to one of the input ports on the CVR. The IFM is entirely independent and autonomous from the ground FTS, having no direct links to the system. Any FTS command that is transmitted over the air, and received by the verification antenna, is decoded by the CVR, which results in certain parameters of the transmitted command being displayed on the IFM's GUI. Such parameters include carrier frequency, tone frequency, tone frequency error and tone deviation for IRIG mode, with these being displayed in numerical format. The received RF signal strength level is also displayed on the IFM, in a bar graph format. Additionally, decoded tones are displayed as strip charts on the IFM's display. For users who have prior knowledge of the FTS command definitions, the CVR allows the user to define the command, allowing the CVR to not only display IRIG tones, but commands tabs also. Just like the FTS Programming System (FPS), the IFM logs all events in the computer's hard drive, with each event being time-tagged to the computer's clock that can be optionally referenced to either IRIG-B or GPS time. Lastly, just like the FPS, the IFM includes the 'LogViewer' application, which allows post during and mission review of all time stamped logged events in both text and graphical form. The IFM is offered in two versions; IRIG only and IRIG/EFTS which is configurable to monitor both FTS modes of operation.