Flight Termination Systems
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WV Communications Command Transmitter Systems offer Full redundancy with Automatic Failover Multi kW Modular Flight Termination Turn Key System with Local Control as well as Ethernet Remote Control and Status with full redundancy throughout the overall system.
Turn Key System incorporates all components required for a modern fully redundant and robust Flight Termination System. WV offers IRIG/High Alpha (Secure Tone) and the latest EFTS formats on our equipment. All components are based on latest Technology available Microcontrollers, FPGA and DSP building blocks achieving flexible design allowing Firmware changes without modifications to the Hardware.
High Power Amplifiers manufactured by WV Communications are designed and built in house. Our engineers specifically design for reliable and dependable operation with the latest available Solid State LDMOS and GAN Transistors. The Class AB linear Amplifier Systems efficiencies (including Power Supplies and all loses to the output port are in the 50%) range! allowing for quiet operation with minimal air cooling requirements. The Dual 1kW Redundant system can be ordered with a 3 Phase or single Phase Power Supply. All Power supplies are configured for N+1 Redundancy at no additional cost. WV Amplifiers are designed in a modular fashion from both aspects of RF and Digital control. Al drawers are built to the exact same RF Phase and Amplitude standard allowing combining of multiple drawers into larger power Amplifier systems. The Digital Status and Control system is also modular and expandable via internal RS-485 Multi-drop Bus allowing multi drawer systems to be built efficiently. Internal microcontrollers are used within each RF Power Module monitoring the operation of each of the internal dual transistors current Temperature and output power allowing the operator to view the internal temperatures and be aware of any faults before they become major.
The Amplifiers allow for all modes of operation including Variable Voltage Amplifier Linear Gain(VVA), Automatic Level Control (ALC), AM, FM and Pulse operation. Over Temperature protection, Graceful Degradation and output VSWR protection are standard.
Exciters Frequency Agile Synthesizers with low Noise characteristics in 100.0kHz Steps are standard (smaller steps are optional) incorporating DSP based Tone Generator or Commands allowing for accurate operation. Deviation Control, RF Level Control, External Tones ,Local Control and Status via Color LCD Touchscreen, Remote Status and Control via BOTH Ethernet and Serial control. Multiple options are available such as discrete Tone inputs, Tone or Command Level front screen operation of High Alpha (Secure Tone) and EFTS, portable mission Command Storage via removable memory interface, Crypto Interface.
Verification Receivers Frequency Agile Local Oscillators Synthesizers with low Noise characteristics in 100.0kHz Steps are standard (smaller steps are optional) incorporating DSP based Tone or Command Decoder allowing for accurate operation Typical Tone Verification time is under 10mSec. Accurate Deviation level measurement, Low Noise Figure and 120dB RSSI RF Level indication with high dynamic Range Front end, Local Control and Status via Color LCD Touchscreen, Remote Status and Control via BOTH Ethernet and Serial control. Multiple options are available such as discrete Tone outputs, Tone or Command Level operation High Alpha (Secure Tone) and EFTS, portable Command Storage via removable memory interface, Crypto Interface.